• Edgar Solomonik's avatar
    1. Added capability (via constructor) to repack tensor data into a different... · 835718c5
    Edgar Solomonik authored
    1. Added capability (via constructor) to repack tensor data into a different packed symmetric layout without doing the normal symmetrization permutations that happen during sum
    2. Fixed bug associated with C["ij"]=A["ij"]*B["ijkl"] where C and A are SY and B is fully NS.
    3. Getting (2) to work in parallel required resolving a bug associated with desymmetrization (in the two unfold_broken_Sym functions), which were changing symmetry without changing sym_table, and as a result yielding extra mapping restrictions.
    The bug fix to (3) might improve performance generally.
tensor.cxx 26.8 KB