Commit 6c86936b authored by Edgar Solomonik's avatar Edgar Solomonik
Browse files

Implemented a bunch of useless shit because I am scared of writing my qual proposal:

added matrix and vector types
added 3D FFT test
parent d9f813ef
include ../
include ../
examples: fft gemm gemm_4D
examples: fft fft_3D gemm gemm_4D
fft: ${bindir}/test/fft
${bindir}/test/fft: fft.o
fft_3D: ${bindir}/test/fft_3D
${bindir}/test/fft_3D: fft_3D.o
gemm_4D: ${bindir}/test/gemm_4D
${bindir}/test/gemm_4D: gemm_4D.o
......@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv){
logn = 5;
n = 1<<logn;
int edge_lens[2] = {n,n};
int sym[2] = {SY,NS};
tCTF_World< std::complex<double> > * wrld = new tCTF_World< std::complex<double> >();
tCTF_Tensor< std::complex<double> > DFT(2, edge_lens, sym, wrld);
tCTF_Tensor< std::complex<double> > IDFT(2, edge_lens, sym, wrld);
tCTF_Matrix< std::complex<double> > DFT(n, n, SY, wrld);
tCTF_Matrix< std::complex<double> > IDFT(n, n, SY, wrld);
DFT.get_local_data(&np, &idx, &data);
#include <ctf.hpp>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* \brief Forms N-by-N DFT matrix A and inverse-dft iA and checks A*iA=I
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
int myRank, numPes, logn, i, j;
int64_t n, np;
int64_t * idx;
std::complex<double> * data;
std::complex<double> imag(0,1);
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numPes);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
if (argc > 1){
logn = atoi(argv[1]);
if (logn<0) logn = 5;
} else {
logn = 5;
n = 1<<logn;
tCTF_World< std::complex<double> > * wrld = new tCTF_World< std::complex<double> >();
tCTF_Matrix< std::complex<double> > DFT(n, n, SY, wrld);
tCTF_Matrix< std::complex<double> > IDFT(n, n, SY, wrld);
tCTF_Tensor< std::complex<double> > MESH(3, (int[]){n, n, n}, (int[]){NS, NS, NS}, wrld);
DFT.get_local_data(&np, &idx, &data);
for (i=0; i<np; i++){
data[i] = (1./n)*exp(-2.*(idx[i]/n)*(idx[i]%n)*(M_PI/n)*imag);
DFT.write_remote_data(np, idx, data);
IDFT.get_local_data(&np, &idx, &data);
for (i=0; i<np; i++){
data[i] = (1./n)*exp(2.*(idx[i]/n)*(idx[i]%n)*(M_PI/n)*imag);
IDFT.write_remote_data(np, idx, data);
MESH.get_local_data(&np, &idx, &data);
for (i=0; i<np; i++){
for (j=0; j<n; j++){
data[i] += exp(imag*((-2.*M_PI*(j/(double)(n)))
*((idx[i]%n) + ((idx[i]/n)%n) +(idx[i]/(n*n)))));
MESH.write_remote_data(np, idx, data);
MESH["ijk"] = MESH["pqr"]*DFT["ip"]*DFT["jq"]*DFT["kr"];
MESH.get_local_data(&np, &idx, &data);
for (i=0; i<np; i++){
if (idx[i]%n == (idx[i]/n)%n && idx[i]%n == idx[i]/(n*n))
assert(fabs(data[i].real() - 1.)<=1.E-9);
if (myRank == 0)
printf("{ 3D_IDFT(3D_DFT(I))) = I } confirmed\n");
......@@ -29,16 +29,10 @@ void gemm(int const m,
printf("m = %d, n = %d, k = %d, p = %d, niter = %d\n",
int shape_NS[] = {NS,NS};
int shape[] = {sym,NS};
int size_A[] = {m,k};
int size_B[] = {k,n};
int size_C[] = {m,n};
//* Creates distributed tensors initialized with zeros
CTF_Tensor A = CTF_Tensor(2, size_A, shape, dw);
CTF_Tensor B = CTF_Tensor(2, size_B, shape, dw);
CTF_Tensor C = CTF_Tensor(2, size_C, shape_NS, dw);
CTF_Matrix A(m, k, sym, dw);
CTF_Matrix B(k, n, sym, dw);
CTF_Matrix C(m, n, NS, dw);
if (rank == 0)
printf("tensor creation succeed\n");
......@@ -76,8 +70,8 @@ void gemm(int const m,
if (rank == 0)
printf("Verifying associativity\n");
/* verify D=(A*B)*C = A*(B*C) */
CTF_Tensor D = CTF_Tensor(2, size_C, shape_NS, dw);
CTF_Tensor E = CTF_Tensor(2, size_C, shape_NS, dw);
CTF_Matrix D(m, n, NS, dw);
CTF_Matrix E(m, n, NS, dw);
D["ij"] = A["ik"]*B["kj"];
D["ij"] = D["ik"]*C["kj"];
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ void gemm_4D(int const n,
int sizeN4[] = {n,n,n,n};
//* Creates distributed tensors initialized with zeros
CTF_Tensor A = CTF_Tensor(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor B = CTF_Tensor(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor C = CTF_Tensor(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor A(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor B(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor C(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
if (rank == 0)
printf("tensor creation succeed\n");
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void gemm_4D(int const n,
/* verify D=(A*B)*C = A*(B*C) */
CTF_Tensor D = CTF_Tensor(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
CTF_Tensor D(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
D["ijkl"] = A["ijmn"]*B["mnkl"];
D["ijkl"] = D["ijmn"]*C["mnkl"];
......@@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv){
} else niter = 3;
CTF_World * dw;
dw = new CTF_World();
CTF_World * dw = new CTF_World();
if (rank == 0){
printf("Computing C_ijkl = A_ijmn*B_klmn\n");
......@@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv){
gemm_4D(n, AS, niter, dw, dir);
delete dw;
return 0;
......@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ class tCTF_Tensor {
tCTF_World<dtype> * world;
* \breif default constructor sets nothing
* \brief copies a tensor (setting data to zero or copying A)
* \param[in] A tensor to copy
......@@ -196,6 +201,45 @@ class tCTF_Tensor {
* \brief Matrix class which encapsulates a 2D tensor
template<typename dtype>
class tCTF_Matrix : public tCTF_Tensor<dtype> {
int nrow, ncol, sym;
* \brief constructor for a matrix
* \param[in] nrow number of matrix rows
* \param[in] ncol number of matrix columns
* \param[in] sym symmetry of matrix
* \param[in] world CTF world where the tensor will live
tCTF_Matrix(int const nrow_,
int const ncol_,
int const sym_,
tCTF_World<dtype> * world);
* \brief Vector class which encapsulates a 1D tensor
template<typename dtype>
class tCTF_Vector : public tCTF_Tensor<dtype> {
int len;
* \brief constructor for a vector
* \param[in] len_ dimension of vector
* \param[in] world CTF world where the tensor will live
tCTF_Vector(int const len_,
tCTF_World<dtype> * world);
template<typename dtype> static
tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>& operator*(double d, tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>& tsr){
return tsr*d;
......@@ -285,5 +329,7 @@ class tCTF_Idx_Tensor {
typedef tCTF<double> CTF;
typedef tCTF_Tensor<double> CTF_Tensor;
typedef tCTF_Matrix<double> CTF_Matrix;
typedef tCTF_Vector<double> CTF_Vector;
typedef tCTF_World<double> CTF_World;
ALL_COMPONENTS = ctf test_model pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test bench bench_model nonsq_pgemm_bench examples fft gemm gemm_4D
ALL_COMPONENTS = src ctf test_model pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test bench bench_model nonsq_pgemm_bench examples fft fft_3D gemm gemm_4D
examples: fft gemm
test_model bench_model pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_bench fft gemm gemm_4D: ctf
examples: fft fft_3D gemm
test_model bench_model pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_bench fft fft_3D gemm gemm_4D: ctf
bindir = ${top_dir}/bin
libdir = ${top_dir}/lib
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ ctf_SUBDIRS = ctr_seq ctr_comm shared dist_tensor interface
ctf: ${libdir}/libctf.a
${libdir}/libctf.a: interface/ctf_world.o \
interface/ctf_tensor.o \
interface/ctf_matrix.o \
interface/ctf_vector.o \
interface/ctf_idx_tensor.o \
shared/comm.o \
shared/util.o \
......@@ -30,5 +32,5 @@ ${libdir}/libctf.a: interface/ctf_world.o \
dist_tensor/dist_tensor.o \
INCLUDES += -I${top_dir}/src/ctr_comm -I${top_dir}/src/ctr_seq -I${top_dir}/dist_tensor
INCLUDES += -I${top_dir}/src/ctr_comm -I${top_dir}/src/ctr_seq -I${top_dir}/src/dist_tensor -I${top_dir}/src/util -I${top_dir}/src/interface
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype> * get_intermediate(tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>* A,
idx_C = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*ndim_C);
sym_C = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*ndim_C);
len_C = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*ndim_C);
idx = 0;
for (i=0; i<A->parent->ndim; i++){
for (j=0; j<B->parent->ndim; j++){
if (A->idx_map[i] == B->idx_map[j]){
......@@ -81,8 +82,8 @@ tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype> * get_intermediate(tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>* A,
template<typename dtype>
tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>::tCTF_Idx_Tensor(tCTF_Tensor<dtype> * parent_, const char * idx_map_){
idx_map = (char*)malloc((strlen(idx_map_)+1)*sizeof(char));
strcpy(idx_map, idx_map_);
idx_map = (char*)malloc(parent_->ndim*sizeof(char));
memcpy(idx_map, idx_map_,parent_->ndim*sizeof(char));
parent = parent_;
has_contract = 0;
has_scale = 0;
......@@ -94,7 +95,6 @@ tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>::tCTF_Idx_Tensor(tCTF_Tensor<dtype> * parent_, const char
template<typename dtype>
if (is_intm) free(parent);
template<typename dtype>
......@@ -116,8 +116,10 @@ void tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>::operator*=(tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>& tsr){
template<typename dtype>
tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>& tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>::operator* (tCTF_Idx_Tensor<dtype>& tsr){
if (has_contract || has_sum)
return (*NBR)*tsr;
if (has_contract || has_sum){
return *this;
NBR = &tsr;
has_contract = 1;
return *this;
#include <ctf.hpp>
template<typename dtype>
tCTF_Matrix<dtype>::tCTF_Matrix(int const nrow_,
int const ncol_,
int const sym_,
tCTF_World<dtype> * world) :
tCTF_Tensor<dtype>(2, (int[]){nrow_, ncol_}, (int[]){sym_, NS}, world) {
nrow = nrow_;
ncol = ncol_;
sym = sym_;
template class tCTF_Matrix<double>;
template class tCTF_Matrix< std::complex<double> >;
#include <ctf.hpp>
template<typename dtype>
tCTF_Vector<dtype>::tCTF_Vector(int const len_,
tCTF_World<dtype> * world) :
tCTF_Tensor<dtype>(2, &len, (int[]){NS}, world) {
len = len_;
template class tCTF_Vector<double>;
template class tCTF_Vector< std::complex<double> >;
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