Commit 835718c5 authored by Edgar Solomonik's avatar Edgar Solomonik
Browse files

1. Added capability (via constructor) to repack tensor data into a different...

1. Added capability (via constructor) to repack tensor data into a different packed symmetric layout without doing the normal symmetrization permutations that happen during sum
2. Fixed bug associated with C["ij"]=A["ij"]*B["ijkl"] where C and A are SY and B is fully NS.
3. Getting (2) to work in parallel required resolving a bug associated with desymmetrization (in the two unfold_broken_Sym functions), which were changing symmetry without changing sym_table, and as a result yielding extra mapping restrictions.

The bug fix to (3) might improve performance generally.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ EXAMPLES = dft dft_3D gemm gemm_4D scalar trace weigh_4D subworld_gemm \
permute_multiworld strassen slice_gemm ccsd sparse_permuted_slice
TESTS = test_suite pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test diag_sym sym3 readwrite_test \
ccsdt_t3_to_t2 ccsdt_map_test multi_tsr_sym diag_ctr readall_test
ccsdt_t3_to_t2 ccsdt_map_test multi_tsr_sym diag_ctr readall_test sy_times_ns repack
BENCHMARKS = nonsq_pgemm_bench bench_contraction bench_nosym_transp bench_redistribution
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ int test_dft(int64_t n,
/*DFT.contract(std::complex<double> (1.0, 0.0), DFT, "ij", IDFT, "jk",
std::complex<double> (0.0, 0.0), "ik");*/
DFT["ik"] = DFT["ij"]*IDFT["jk"];
DFT["ik"] = .5*DFT["ij"]*IDFT["jk"];
DFT.read_local(&np, &idx, &data);
......@@ -507,21 +507,28 @@ namespace CTF_int {
C->order, idx_C,
&num_tot, &idx_arr);
int nA_sym[A->order];
if (new_contraction != NULL)
memcpy(nA_sym, nA->sym, sizeof(int)*nA->order);
for (i=0; i<A->order; i++){
if (A->sym[i] != NS){
iA = idx_A[i];
if (idx_arr[3*iA+1] != -1){
if (B->sym[idx_arr[3*iA+1]] == NS ||
idx_A[i+1] != idx_B[idx_arr[3*iA+1]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nA->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nA_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i;
} else {
if (idx_arr[3*idx_A[i+1]+1] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nA->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nA_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i;
......@@ -529,15 +536,19 @@ namespace CTF_int {
if (idx_arr[3*iA+2] != -1){
if (C->sym[idx_arr[3*iA+2]] == NS ||
idx_A[i+1] != idx_C[idx_arr[3*iA+2]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nA->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nA_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i;
} else {
if (idx_arr[3*idx_A[i+1]+2] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nA->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nA_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i;
......@@ -546,21 +557,28 @@ namespace CTF_int {
int nB_sym[B->order];
if (new_contraction != NULL)
memcpy(nB_sym, nB->sym, sizeof(int)*nB->order);
for (i=0; i<B->order; i++){
if (B->sym[i] != NS){
iB = idx_B[i];
if (idx_arr[3*iB+0] != -1){
if (A->sym[idx_arr[3*iB+0]] == NS ||
idx_B[i+1] != idx_A[idx_arr[3*iB+0]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nB->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nB_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+1;
} else {
if (idx_arr[3*idx_B[i+1]+0] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nB->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nB_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+1;
......@@ -568,15 +586,19 @@ namespace CTF_int {
if (idx_arr[3*iB+2] != -1){
if (C->sym[idx_arr[3*iB+2]] == NS ||
idx_B[i+1] != idx_C[idx_arr[3*iB+2]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nB->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nB_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+1;
} else {
if (idx_arr[3*idx_B[i+1]+2] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nB->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nB_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+1;
......@@ -603,35 +625,46 @@ namespace CTF_int {
if (!is_preserv){
int nC_sym[C->order];
if (new_contraction != NULL)
memcpy(nC_sym, nC->sym, sizeof(int)*nC->order);
for (i=0; i<C->order; i++){
if (C->sym[i] != NS){
iC = idx_C[i];
if (idx_arr[3*iC+1] != -1){
if (B->sym[idx_arr[3*iC+1]] == NS ||
idx_C[i+1] != idx_B[idx_arr[3*iC+1]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nC->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nC_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+2;
} else if (idx_arr[3*idx_C[i+1]+1] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nC->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nC_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+2;
if (idx_arr[3*iC+0] != -1){
if (A->sym[idx_arr[3*iC+0]] == NS ||
idx_C[i+1] != idx_A[idx_arr[3*iC+0]+1]){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nC->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nC_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+2;
} else if (idx_arr[3*iC+0] == -1){
if (idx_arr[3*idx_C[i+1]] != -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nC->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nC_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+2;
......@@ -645,8 +678,10 @@ namespace CTF_int {
iA2 = idx_A[i+1];
if (idx_arr[3*iA+2] == -1 &&
idx_arr[3*iA2+2] == -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nA->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nA_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i;
......@@ -658,8 +693,10 @@ namespace CTF_int {
iB2 = idx_B[i+1];
if (idx_arr[3*iB+2] == -1 &&
idx_arr[3*iB2+2] == -1){
if (new_contraction != NULL)
nB->sym[i] = NS;
if (new_contraction != NULL){
nB_sym[i] = NS;
return 3*i+1;
......@@ -1487,8 +1524,10 @@ namespace CTF_int {
tC->topo = topo;
/* Map the weigh indices of A, B, and C*/
ret = map_weigh_indices(idx_arr, idx_weigh, num_tot, num_weigh, topo, tA, tB, tC);
int stat;
ret = map_weigh_indices(idx_arr, idx_weigh, num_tot, num_weigh, topo, tA, tB, tC);
do {
if (ret == NEGATIVE) {
stat = ret;
......@@ -10,16 +10,6 @@ namespace CTF {
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor() : CTF_int::tensor() { }
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(tensor const & A,
bool copy)
: CTF_int::tensor(&A, copy) { }
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(tensor const & A,
World & world_)
: CTF_int::tensor(, A.order, A.lens, A.sym, A.wrld, 1,, A.profile) { }
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(int order,
......@@ -79,6 +69,21 @@ namespace CTF {
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(tensor const & A,
bool copy)
: CTF_int::tensor(&A, copy) { }
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(tensor const & A,
World & world_)
: CTF_int::tensor(, A.order, A.lens, A.sym, world_, 1,, A.profile) { }
//: CTF_int::tensor(, A.order, A.lens, A.sym, A.wrld, 1,, A.profile) { }
template<typename dtype, bool is_ord>
Tensor<dtype, is_ord>::Tensor(tensor & A,
int const * new_sym)
: CTF_int::tensor(&A, new_sym){ }
......@@ -136,22 +136,6 @@ namespace CTF {
* \brief copies a tensor (setting data to zero or copying A)
* \param[in] A tensor to copy
* \param[in] copy whether to copy the data of A into the new tensor
Tensor(tensor const & A,
bool copy = true);
* \brief creates a zeroed out copy (data not copied) of a tensor in a different world
* \param[in] A tensor whose characteristics to copy
* \param[in] world_ a world for the tensor we are creating to live in, can be different from A
Tensor(tensor const & A,
World & wrld);
* \brief defines tensor filled with zeros on the default algstrct
* \param[in] order_ number of dimensions of tensor
......@@ -204,6 +188,35 @@ namespace CTF {
char const * name=NULL,
int profile=0);
* \brief copies a tensor (setting data to zero or copying A)
* \param[in] A tensor to copy
* \param[in] copy whether to copy the data of A into the new tensor
Tensor(tensor const & A,
bool copy = true);
* \brief repacks the tensor other to a different symmetry
* (assumes existing data contains the symmetry and keeps only values with indices in increasing order)
* WARN: LIMITATION: new_sym must cause unidirectional structural changes, i.e. {NS,NS}->{SY,NS} OK, {SY,NS}->{NS,NS} OK, {NS,NS,SY,NS}->{SY,NS,NS,NS} NOT OK!
* \param[in] A tensor to copy
* \param[in] new_sym new symmetry array (replaces this->sym)
Tensor(tensor & A,
int const * new_sym);
* \brief creates a zeroed out copy (data not copied) of a tensor in a different world
* \param[in] A tensor whose characteristics to copy
* \param[in] world_ a world for the tensor we are creating to live in, can be different from A
Tensor(tensor const & A,
World & wrld);
* \brief defines tensor filled with zeros on the default algstrct on a user-specified distributed layout
* \param[in] order_ number of dimensions of tensor
......@@ -1307,10 +1307,16 @@ namespace CTF_int {
if (nnew_sum != NULL && sidx != -1){
if(sidx%2 == 0){
new_sum->A = new tensor(A, 0, 0);
new_sum->A->sym[sidx/2] = NS;
int nA_sym[A->order];
memcpy(nA_sym, new_sum->A->sym, sizeof(int)*new_sum->A->order);
nA_sym[sidx/2] = NS;
} else {
new_sum->B = new tensor(B, 0, 0);
new_sum->B->sym[sidx/2] = NS;
int nB_sym[B->order];
memcpy(nB_sym, new_sum->B->sym, sizeof(int)*new_sum->B->order);
nB_sym[sidx/2] = NS;
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ namespace CTF_int {
idx_map_B[i] = i;
if (scal_diag){
if (0){//scal_diag){
//FIXME: this is not robust when doing e.g. {SY, SY, SY, NS} -> {SY, NS, SY, NS}
for (i=-num_sy_neg-1; i<num_sy; i++){
if (i==-1) continue;
......@@ -92,6 +92,56 @@ namespace CTF_int {
tensor::tensor(tensor * other, int const * new_sym){
char * nname = (char*)alloc(strlen(other->name) + 2);
char d[] = "\'";
strcpy(nname, other->name);
strcat(nname, d);
if (other->wrld->rank == 0) {
DPRINTF(1,"Repacking tensor %s into %s\n",other->name);
bool has_chng=false, less_sym=false, more_sym=false;
for (int i=0; i<other->order; i++){
if (other->sym[i] != new_sym[i]){
has_chng = true;
if (other->sym[i] == NS){
more_sym = true;
if (new_sym[i] == NS){
less_sym = true;
this->has_zero_edge_len = other->has_zero_edge_len;
if (!less_sym && !more_sym){
this->init(other->sr, other->order, other->lens,
new_sym, other->wrld, 0, nname,
if (has_chng)
} else {
this->init(other->sr, other->order, other->lens,
new_sym, other->wrld, 1, nname,
int idx[order];
for (int j=0; j<order; j++){
idx[j] = j;
summation ts(other, idx, sr->mulid(), this, idx, sr->addid());
void tensor::copy_tensor_data(tensor const * other){
//FIXME: do not unfold
// if (other->is_folded) other->unfold();
......@@ -163,7 +213,6 @@ namespace CTF_int {
memcpy(this->pad_edge_len, other->pad_edge_len, sizeof(int)*other->order);
memcpy(this->padding, other->padding, sizeof(int)*other->order);
memcpy(this->sym, other->sym, sizeof(int)*other->order);
memcpy(this->sym_table, other->sym_table, sizeof(int)*other->order*other->order);
this->is_mapped = other->is_mapped;
this->is_cyclic = other->is_cyclic;
this->topo = other->topo;
......@@ -223,13 +272,8 @@ namespace CTF_int {
this->pad_edge_len = (int*)CTF_int::alloc(order*sizeof(int));
memcpy(this->pad_edge_len, lens, order*sizeof(int));
this->sym = (int*)CTF_int::alloc(order*sizeof(int));
if (sym_ == NULL)
std::fill(this->sym, this->sym+order, NS);
memcpy(this->sym, sym_, order*sizeof(int));
this->sym_table = (int*)CTF_int::alloc(order*order*sizeof(int));
memset(this->sym_table, 0, order*order*sizeof(int));
sym_table = (int*)CTF_int::alloc(order*order*sizeof(int));
this->set_sym (sym_);
this->edge_map = new mapping[order];
/* initialize map array and symmetry table */
......@@ -238,17 +282,17 @@ namespace CTF_int {
this->edge_map[i].type = NOT_MAPPED;
this->edge_map[i].has_child = 0;
this->edge_map[i].np = 1;
if (this->sym[i] != NS) {
/*if (this->sym[i] != NS) {
//FIXME: keep track of capabilities of algberaic structure and add more robust property checking
/* if (this->sym[i] == AS && !sr->is_ring){
if (this->sym[i] == AS && !sr->is_ring){
if (wrld->rank == 0){
printf("CTF ERROR: It is illegal to define antisymmetric tensor must be defined on a ring, yet no additive inverse was provided for this algstrct (see algstrct constructor), aborting.\n");
this->sym_table[(i+1)+i*order] = 1;
this->sym_table[(i+1)*order+i] = 1;
/* Set tensor data to zero. */
if (alloc_data){
......@@ -451,10 +495,12 @@ namespace CTF_int {
void tensor::print_map(FILE * stream, bool allcall) const {
if (!allcall || wrld->rank == 0){
printf("printing mapping of %s\n",name);
if (topo != NULL){
printf("mapped to order %d topology with dims:",topo->order);
for (int dim=0; dim<topo->order; dim++){
printf(" %d ",topo->lens[dim]);
printf("\nCTF: sym len tphs pphs vphs\n");
for (int dim=0; dim<order; dim++){
int tp = edge_map[dim].calc_phase();
......@@ -1784,45 +1830,19 @@ namespace CTF_int {
void tensor::repack(int const * new_sym){
bool has_chng=false, less_sym=false, more_sym=false;
void tensor::set_sym(int const * sym_){
if (sym_ == NULL)
std::fill(this->sym, this->sym+order, NS);
memcpy(this->sym, sym_, order*sizeof(int));
memset(sym_table, 0, order*order*sizeof(int));
for (int i=0; i<order; i++){
if (sym[i] != new_sym[i]){
has_chng = true;
if (sym[i] == NS){
more_sym = true;
if (new_sym[i] == NS){
less_sym = true;
if (!has_chng) return;
if (less_sym){
tensor tcpy(this, true, true);
memcpy(sym, new_sym, order*sizeof(int));
int idx[order];
for (int j=0; j<order; j++){
idx[j] = j;
summation ts(&tcpy, idx, sr->mulid(), this, idx, sr->addid());
} else if (more_sym){
tensor tcpy(this, true, true);
memcpy(sym, new_sym, order*sizeof(int));
int idx[order];
for (int j=0; j<order; j++){
idx[j] = j;
if (this->sym[i] != NS) {
sym_table[(i+1)+i*order] = 1;
sym_table[(i+1)*order+i] = 1;
summation ts(&tcpy, idx, sr->mulid(), this, idx, sr->addid());
} else {
memcpy(sym, new_sym, order*sizeof(int));
......@@ -135,15 +135,6 @@ namespace CTF_int {
/** \brief destructor */
void free_self();
* \brief creates tensor copy, unfolds other if other is folded
* \param[in] other tensor to copy
* \param[in] copy whether to copy mapping and data
* \param[in] alloc_data whether th allocate data
tensor(tensor const * other, bool copy = 1, bool alloc_data = 1);
* \brief defines a tensor object with some mapping (if alloc_data)
* \param[in] sr defines the tensor arithmetic for this tensor
......@@ -163,6 +154,23 @@ namespace CTF_int {
char const * name=NULL,
bool profile=1);
* \brief creates tensor copy, unfolds other if other is folded
* \param[in] other tensor to copy
* \param[in] copy whether to copy mapping and data
* \param[in] alloc_data whether th allocate data
tensor(tensor const * other, bool copy = 1, bool alloc_data = 1);
* \brief repacks the tensor other to a different symmetry
* (assumes existing data contains the symmetry and keeps only values with indices in increasing order)
* WARN: LIMITATION: new_sym must cause unidirectional structural changes, i.e. {NS,NS}->{SY,NS} OK, {SY,NS}->{NS,NS} OK, {NS,NS,SY,NS}->{SY,NS,NS,NS} NOT OK!
* \param[in] other tensor to copy
* \param[in] new_sym new symmetry array (replaces this->sym)
tensor(tensor * other, int const * new_sym);
* \brief compute the cyclic phase of each tensor dimension
* \return int * of cyclic phases
......@@ -538,14 +546,10 @@ namespace CTF_int {
tensor *& new_tsr,
int ** idx_map_new);
* \brief repacks the tensor to a different symmetry
* (assumes existing data contains the symmetry and keeps only values with indices in increasing order)
* WARN: LIMITATION: new_sym must cause unidirectional structural changes, i.e. {NS,NS}->{SY,NS} OK, {SY,NS}->{NS,NS} OK, {NS,NS,SY,NS}->{SY,NS,NS,NS} NOT OK!
* \param[in] new_sym new symmetry array (replaces this->sym)
/** \brief sets symmetry, WARNING: for internal use only !!!!
* \param[in] sym
void repack(int const * new_sym);
void set_sym(int const * sym);
include ../
TESTS = test_suite diag_sym sym3 readwrite_test \
TESTS = test_suite diag_sym sym3 readwrite_test sy_times_ns repack \
ccsdt_t3_to_t2 ccsdt_map_test multi_tsr_sym diag_ctr readall_test
SCALA_TESTS = pgemm_test nonsq_pgemm_test
/*Copyright (c) 2011, Edgar Solomonik, all rights reserved.*/
/** \addtogroup examples
* @{
* \defgroup repack repack
* @{
* \brief Tests contraction of a symmetric index group with a nonsymmetric one
#include <ctf.hpp>
using namespace CTF;
int repack(int n,
World & dw){
int rank, i, num_pes, pass;
int64_t np;
double * pairs;
int64_t * indices;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_pes);
int shapeN4[] = {NS,NS,NS,NS};
int shapeS4[] = {NS,NS,SY,NS};
int sizeN4[] = {n,n,n,n};
//* Creates distributed tensors initialized with zeros
Tensor<> An(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
Tensor<> As(4, sizeN4, shapeS4, dw);
As.read_local(&np, &indices, &pairs);
for (i=0; i<np; i++ ) pairs[i] = drand48()-.5; //(1.E-3)*sin(indices[i]);
As.write(np, indices, pairs);
An.write(np, indices, pairs);
Tensor<> Anr(An, shapeS4);
Anr["ijkl"] -= As["ijkl"];
double norm = Anr.norm2();
if (norm < 1.E-6)
pass = 1;
pass = 0;
if (!pass)
printf("{NS -> SY repack} failed \n");
else {
Tensor<> Anur(As, shapeN4);
Tensor<> Asur(As, shapeN4);
Asur["ijkl"] = 0.0;
Asur.write(np, indices, pairs);
Anur["ijkl"] -= Asur["ijkl"];
norm = Anur.norm2();
if (norm < 1.E-6){
pass = 1;
if (rank == 0)
printf("{NS -> SY -> NS repack} passed \n");
} else {
pass = 0;
if (rank == 0)
printf("{SY -> NS repack} failed \n");
return pass;
#ifndef TEST_SUITE
char* getCmdOption(char ** begin,
char ** end,
const std::string & option){
char ** itr = std::find(begin, end, option);
if (itr != end && ++itr != end){
return *itr;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
int rank, np, n;
int in_num = argc;
char ** input_str = argv;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &np);
if (getCmdOption(input_str, input_str+in_num, "-n")){
n = atoi(getCmdOption(input_str, input_str+in_num, "-n"));
if (n < 0) n = 7;
} else n = 7;
World dw(argc, argv);
repack(n, dw);
return 0;
* @}
* @}
/*Copyright (c) 2011, Edgar Solomonik, all rights reserved.*/
/** \addtogroup examples
* @{
* \defgroup sy_times_ns sy_times_ns
* @{
* \brief Tests contraction of a symmetric index group with a nonsymmetric one
#include <ctf.hpp>
using namespace CTF;
int sy_times_ns(int n,
World & dw){
int rank, i, num_pes, pass;
int64_t np;
double * pairs;
int64_t * indices;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_pes);
int shapeN4[] = {NS,NS,NS,NS};
int sizeN4[] = {n,n,n,n};
//* Creates distributed tensors initialized with zeros
Tensor<> B(4, sizeN4, shapeN4, dw);
Matrix<> A(n, n, SY, dw);
Matrix<> An(n, n, NS, dw);
Matrix<> C(n, n, SY, dw, "C");
Matrix<> Cn(n, n, NS, dw, "Cn");
A.read_local(&np, &indices, &pairs);
for (i=0; i<np; i++ ) pairs[i] = drand48()-.5; //(1.E-3)*sin(indices[i]);
A.write(np, indices, pairs);
B.read_local(&np, &indices, &pairs);
for (i=0; i<np; i++ ) pairs[i] = drand48()-.5; //(1.E-3)*sin(indices[i]);
B.write(np, indices, pairs);
An["ij"] = A["ij"];
C["ij"] = A["ij"]*B["ijkl"];
Cn["ij"] = An["ij"]*B["ijkl"];
Cn["ji"] += An["ij"]*B["ijkl"];
Cn["ij"] -= C["ij"];
double norm = Cn.norm2();
if (norm < 1.E-10){
pass = 1;
if (rank == 0)
printf("{C[\(ij)\"]=A[\"(ij)\"]*B[\"ijkl\"]} passed \n");
} else {
pass = 0;
if (rank == 0)
printf("{C[\(ij)\"]=A[\"(ij)\"]*B[\"ijkl\"]} failed \n");
return pass;
#ifndef TEST_SUITE
char* getCmdOption(char ** begin,
char ** end,
const std::string & option){
char ** itr = std::find(begin, end, option);
if (itr != end && ++itr != end){
return *itr;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
int rank, np, n;
int in_num = argc;
char ** input_str = argv;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &np);
if (getCmdOption(input_str, input_str+in_num, "-n")){
n = atoi(getCmdOption(input_str, input_str+in_num, "-n"));
if (n < 0) n = 7;
} else n = 7;
World dw(argc, argv);
sy_times_ns(n, dw);
return 0;
* @}
* @}
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include "readall_test.cxx"
#include "../examples/subworld_gemm.cxx"
#include "multi_tsr_sym.cxx"
#include "repack.cxx"
#include "sy_times_ns.cxx"
using namespace CTF;
......@@ -155,6 +157,14 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv){
if (rank == 0)
printf("Testing readall test with n = %d m = %d:\n",n,n*n);
pass.push_back(readall_test(n, n*n, dw));
if (rank == 0)
printf("Testing repack with n = %d:\n",n);
if (rank == 0)
printf("Testing SY times NS with n = %d:\n",n);
#if 0
if (rank == 0)
printf("Testing skew-symmetric Strassen's algorithm with n = %d:\n",n*n);
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