Commit 924ca36e authored by Edgar Solomonik's avatar Edgar Solomonik
Browse files

minor correction to fun_term

and work deep in progress for betweenness centrality
parent b9acb2d3
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Semiring<path> get_path_semiring(int n){
1, &opath);
//tropical semiring with hops carried by winner of min
Semiring<path> p(path(n*n,0,1),
Semiring<path> p(path(INT_MAX/2,0,1),
[](path a, path b){
if (a.w<b.w){ return a; }
else if (b.w<a.w){ return b; }
......@@ -47,80 +47,155 @@ Semiring<path> get_path_semiring(int n){
struct cpath {
int w; // weighted distance
int m; // multiplictiy
double c; // centrality score
cpath(int w_, int m_, double c_){ w=w_; m=m_; c=c_;}
cpath(cpath const & p){ w=p.w; m=p.m; c=p.c; }
Monoid<cpath> get_cpath_monoid(int n){
//struct for cpath with w=cpath weight, h=#hops
MPI_Op ocpath;
[](void * a, void * b, int * n, MPI_Datatype*){
for (int i=0; i<*n; i++){
if (((cpath*)a)[i].w <= ((cpath*)b)[i].w){
((cpath*)b)[0] = ((cpath*)a)[0];
1, &ocpath);
Monoid<cpath> cp(cpath(-INT_MAX/2,1,0.),
[](cpath a, cpath b){
if (a.w>b.w){ return a; }
else if (b.w>a.w){ return b; }
else { return cpath(a.w, a.m, a.c+b.c); }
}, ocpath);
return cp;
namespace CTF {
template <>
inline void Set<path>::print(char const * a, FILE * fp) const {
fprintf(fp,"(w=%d h=%d m=%d)",((path*)a)[0].w,((path*)a)[0].h,((path*)a)[0].m);
template <>
inline void Set<cpath>::print(char const * a, FILE * fp) const {
fprintf(fp,"(w=%d m=%d c=%lf)",((cpath*)a)[0].w,((cpath*)a)[0].m,((cpath*)a)[0].c);
Vector<int> btwn_cnt_fast(Matrix<int> & A, int b){
void btwn_cnt_fast(Matrix<int> A, int b, Vector<double> & v){
World dw = *A.wrld;
int n = A.nrow;
((Transform<int>)([=](int& w){ w = INT_MAX/2; }))(A["ii"]);
Semiring<path> p = get_path_semiring(n);
Monoid<cpath> cp = get_cpath_monoid(n);
for (int ib=0; ib<n; ib+=b){
int k = std::min(b, n-ib);
printf("slice from %d to %d\n",ib*n, (ib+k)*n);
Tensor<int> iA = A.slice(ib*n, (ib+k-1)*n+n-1);
Matrix<path> B(n, k, dw, p, "B");
B["ij"] = ((Function<int,path>)([](int i){ return path(i, 1, 1); }))(A["ij"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& w){ w = path(n*n, 0, 1); }))(B["ii"]);
B["ij"] = ((Function<int,path>)([](int i){ return path(i, 1, 1); }))(iA["ij"]);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
Matrix<path> B2(n, k, dw, p, "B2");
B2["ij"] = ((Function<int,path,path>)([](int i, path p){ return path(p.w+i, p.h+1, p.m); }))(A["ik"],B["kj"]);
B2["ij"] = ((Function<path,int,path>)([](path p, int i){ return path(p.w+i, p.h+1, p.m); }))(B["kj"],A["ik"]);
((Transform<path,path>)([](path a, path & b){ if (a.w < b.w || (a.w == b.w && a.m > b.m)) b=a; }))(B2["ij"], B["ij"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& w){ w = path(-INT_MAX/2, 0, 1); }))(B["ii"]);
// B.print();
Matrix<cpath> cB(n, k, dw, cp, "cB");
((Transform<path,cpath>)([](path p, cpath & cp){ cp = cpath(p.w, p.m, 0.); }))(B["ij"],cB["ij"]);
// ((Transform<cpath>)([=](cpath& w){ w = cpath(-INT_MAX/2, 1, 0); }))(cB["ii"]);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
Matrix<cpath> cB2(n, k, dw, cp, "cB2");
cB2["ij"] += cB["ij"];
((Transform<cpath>)([](cpath & p){ p.c=0.; }))(cB2["ij"]);
//cB2["ij"] += ((Function<int,cpath,cpath>)([](int i, cpath p){ return cpath(p.w-i, p.m, (1.+p.c)/p.m); }))(A["ki"],cB["kj"]);
int n3[]={n,n,n};
Tensor<cpath> cB3(3,n3, dw, cp, "cB3");
cB3["ijk"] += ((Function<int,cpath,cpath>)([](int i, cpath p){ return cpath(p.w-i, p.m, (1.+p.c)/p.m); }))(A["ki"],cB["kj"]);
cB2["ij"] += cB3["ijk"];
((Transform<cpath,cpath>)([](cpath a, cpath & b){ b.c=a.c*b.m; }))(cB2["ij"], cB["ij"]);
((Transform<cpath>)([](cpath & p){ p.c=0; }))(cB["ii"]);
// ((Transform<path,cpath>)([](path p, cpath & cp){ cp.w = p.w; cp.m = p.m; }))(B["ij"],cB["ij"]);
Matrix<> dcB(n,n,dw);
dcB["ij"] = ((Function<cpath,double>)([](cpath p){ return p.c; }))(cB["ij"]);
Tensor<double> scB = dcB.slice(0,n*(n-1));
v["i"] += ((Function<cpath,double>)([](cpath a){ return a.c; }))(cB["ij"]);
Vector<int> v(n,dw);
return v;
Vector<int> btwn_cnt_naive(Matrix<int> & A){
void btwn_cnt_naive(Matrix<int> & A, Vector<double> & str_cnt){
World dw = *A.wrld;
int n = A.nrow;
Semiring<path> p = get_path_semiring(n);
Monoid<cpath> cp = get_cpath_monoid(n);
//path matrix to contain distance matrix
Matrix<path> P(n, n, dw, p, "P");
Matrix<path> P2(n, n, dw, p, "P2");
Function<int,path> setw([](int w){ return path(w, 1, 1); });
P["ij"] = setw(A["ij"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& w){ w = path(n*n, 0, 1); }))(P["ii"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& w){ w = path(INT_MAX/2, 0, 1); }))(P["ii"]);
//sparse path matrix to contain all paths of exactly i hops
Matrix<path> Pi(n, n, dw, p);
for (int i=1; i<n; i=i<<1){
P2["ij"] = P["ik"]*P["kj"];
Pi["ij"] = P["ij"];
Pi.sparsify([=](path p){ return (p.h == i); });
Matrix<path> P2(n, n, dw, p, "P2");
P2["ij"] = Pi["ik"]*P["kj"];
((Transform<path,path>)([](path a, path & b){ if (a.w < b.w || (a.w == b.w && a.m > b.m)) b=a; }))(P2["ij"], P["ij"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& w){ w = path(4*n*n, 0, 1); }))(P["ii"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& p){ p = path(INT_MAX/2, 0, 1); }))(P["ii"]);
((Transform<path>)([=](path& p){ if (p.w >= INT_MAX/2) p = path(INT_MAX/2, 0, 1); }))(P["ij"]);
// P.print();
Vector<int> str_cnt(n, dw, "stress centrality scores");
//Vector<int> str_cnt(n, dw, "stress centrality scores");
int lenn[3] = {n,n,n};
Tensor<int> ostv(3, lenn, dw);
Tensor<double> ostv(3, lenn, dw, Ring<double>(), "ostv");
Tensor<cpath> postv(3, lenn, dw, cp, "postv");
ostv["ijk"] = ((Function<path,int>)([](path p){ return p.w; }))(P["ik"]);
postv["ijk"] += ((Function<path,cpath>)([](path p){ return cpath(p.w, p.m, 0.0); }))(P["ik"]);
[](path a, path b, int & c){
if (a.w+b.w == c){ c = a.m*b.m; }
else { c = 0; }
[=](path a, path b, cpath & c){
if (c.w<INT_MAX/2 && a.w+b.w == c.w){ c.c = ((double)a.m*b.m)/c.m; }
else { c.c = 0; }
ostv["ijk"] = ((Function<cpath,double>)([](cpath p){ return p.c; }))(postv["ijk"]);
Tensor<double> sostv = ostv.slice(0,n*n*(n-1)+n-1);
str_cnt["j"] += ostv["ijk"];
return str_cnt;
//return str_cnt;
// calculate APSP on a graph of n nodes distributed on World (communicator) dw
......@@ -129,27 +204,77 @@ int btwn_cnt(int n,
int niter=0){
//tropical semiring, define additive identity to be n*n (max weight) to prevent integer overflow
Semiring<int> s(n*n,
//tropical semiring, define additive identity to be INT_MAX/2 to prevent integer overflow
Semiring<int> s(INT_MAX/2,
[](int a, int b){ return std::min(a,b); },
[](int a, int b){ return a+b; });
//random adjacency matrix
Matrix<int> A(n, n, dw, s);
A.fill_random(1, std::min(n*n,100));
Matrix<int> A(n, n, dw, s, "A");
/* if (dw.rank == 0){
int64_t inds[n-1];
int vals[n-1];
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
inds[i] = i*n+i+1;
vals[i] = 1;
A.write(n-1, inds, vals);
} else {
A.write(0, NULL, NULL);
if (dw.rank == 0){
int64_t inds[n-1];
int vals[n-1];
for (int i=1; i<n; i++){
inds[i-1] = i*n+i-1;
vals[i-1] = 2;
A.write(n-1, inds, vals);
} else {
A.write(0, NULL, NULL);
if (dw.rank == 0){
int64_t inds[2] = {n-1, (n-1)*n};
int vals[2] = {3, 3};
} else A.write(0, NULL, NULL);*/
// A.fill_random(1, 4);//std::min(n*n,100));
if (dw.rank == 0){
int64_t inds[n*(n-1)/2];
int vals[n*(n-1)/2];
int c = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
for (int j=0; j<i; j++){
inds[c] = i*n+j;
vals[c] = (rand()%4)+1;
A.write(n*(n-1)/2, inds, vals);
} A.write(0, NULL, NULL);
A["ii"] = 0;
// A["ij"] += A["ji"];
//A.sparsify([=](int a){ return a<50; });
Vector<int> v1 = btwn_cnt_naive(A);
Vector<int> v2 = btwn_cnt_fast(A, n);
Vector<double> v1(n,dw);
Vector<double> v2(n,dw);
btwn_cnt_naive(A, v1);
btwn_cnt_fast(A, n, v2);
Scalar<> sc(dw);
sc[""] = ((Function<>)([](double a, double b){ return std::abs(a-b); }))(v1["i"],v2["i"]);
int pass = 1;
int pass = (sc.get_val() <= 0.01);
if (dw.rank == 0){
if (pass)
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace CTF_int {
scl = NULL;
if (opA.scale != NULL || opB.scale != NULL)>safemul(opA.scale, opB.scale, scl);*/
if (!>isequal(opA.scale,>mulid()) ||
if (!>isequal(opA.scale,>mulid()) ||
!>isequal(opB.scale,>mulid()) /*||
if (opA.parent->wrld->rank == 0)
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