moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several...
Markus Stimpfle authored
moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters
Name Last commit Last update
odeg moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters
refs moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters
.gitignore updated the testing files moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters now able to reproduce the fxc values from before, only thing left is to update the functions greatPotential, entropy and the test scripts. overhaul pt6/? minor changes in and moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters moved refs out of odeg (now they are both in the top directory; wrote several files to calculate EVs for given combinations of system parameters updated the testing files